Efficient cooperation and knowledge sharing in education

Dynamic collaboration on your social intranet

Use Linchpin as a central communication tool to simplify and speed up collaboration between different departments, faculties and employees.

  • Personalization of news feeds, profiles and dashboards for an individual information supply

  • Integration of applications and external sources for a holistic information supply

  • High security standards for the protection of sensitive employee data

  • Management of research projects, publications and teaching activities for effective collaboration

How Linchpin Intranet helps in education

Keep the overview

Use Linchpin as a central platform to keep track of all ongoing projects and their respective statuses. Don’t miss any important updates and strengthen collaboration within your team.

Simple collaboration

Facilitate collaboration with your team and other departments. Use collaborative working and discussion of documents and information to make decisions faster and complete tasks more quickly.

Share your knowledge

Bring your employees’ knowledge together in one central location so that they can access the collected knowledge. This makes it easier to pass on information and ensures that the latest findings are always available.

Always stay mobile

Stay productive on the go, whether you’re in the office or working from home. Use the Linchpin mobile app to access important information and documents from anywhere and stay connected with your team.

Efficient cooperation and knowledge sharing in education

Dynamic collaboration on your social intranet

Use Linchpin as a central communication tool to simplify and speed up collaboration between different departments, faculties and employees.

  • Personalization of news feeds, profiles and dashboards for an individual information supply

  • Integration of applications and external sources for a holistic information supply

  • High security standards for the protection of sensitive employee data

  • Management of research projects, publications and teaching activities for effective collaboration

How Linchpin Intranet helps in education

Behalte die Übersicht

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<p style=”text-align: left;”>Behalte mit Linchpin als zentraler Plattform den Überblick über alle laufenden Projekte und die jeweiligen Status. Verpasse keine wichtigen Updates mehr und stärke die Zusammenarbeit in deinem Team.</p>


<p style=”text-align: left;”>Einfache Zusammenarbeit</p>

<div class=”columnMacro conf-macro output-block” data-hasbody=”true” data-macro-name=”column”>
<div class=”conf-macro output-block” aria-role=”banner” data-background-image=”” data-hasbody=”true” data-macro-name=”aura-background-image”>
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Erleichtere die Zusammenarbeit mit deinem Team und anderen Abteilungen. Nutze das kollaborative Arbeiten und Diskutieren von Dokumenten und Informationen, um schneller Entscheidungen zu treffen und Aufgaben schneller zu erledigen.</p>


Teile dein Wissen

<div class=”columnMacro conf-macro output-block” data-hasbody=”true” data-macro-name=”column”>
<div class=”conf-macro output-block” aria-role=”banner” data-background-image=”” data-hasbody=”true” data-macro-name=”aura-background-image”>
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Bringe das Wissen deiner Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter an einem zentralen Ort zusammen, um auf die gesammelten Kenntnisse zugreifen zu können. Ermögliche so eine einfachere Weitergabe von Informationen und sorge dafür, dass die neuesten Erkenntnisse stets verfügbar sind.</p>


Bleibe immer mobil

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<p style=”text-align: left;”>Bleibe auch unterwegs produktiv, egal ob im Büro oder von zuhause aus. Nutze die mobile App von Linchpin, um von überall aus auf wichtige Informationen und Dokumente zuzugreifen und mit deinem Team in Verbindung zu bleiben.</p>


Efficient cooperation and knowledge sharing in education

Dynamic collaboration on your social intranet

Use Linchpin as a central communication tool to simplify and speed up collaboration between different departments, faculties and employees.

  • Personalization of news feeds, profiles and dashboards for an individual information supply

  • Integration of applications and external sources for a holistic information supply

  • High security standards for the protection of sensitive employee data

  • Management of research projects, publications and teaching activities for effective collaboration

How Linchpin Intranet helps in education

Keep the overview

Use Linchpin as a central platform to keep track of all ongoing projects and their respective statuses. Don’t miss any important updates and strengthen collaboration within your team.

Simple collaboration

Facilitate collaboration with your team and other departments. Use collaborative working and discussion of documents and information to make decisions faster and complete tasks more quickly.

Share your knowledge

Bring your employees’ knowledge together in one central location so that they can access the collected knowledge. This makes it easier to pass on information and ensures that the latest findings are always available.

Always stay mobile

Stay productive on the go, whether you’re in the office or working from home. Use the Linchpin mobile app to access important information and documents from anywhere and stay connected with your team.

Get in touch with us!

Do you work in education and want to take your work to the next level? Then try Linchpin now – the secure and reliable tool for effective collaboration and collaborative knowledge management. Schedule a free demo with us today and let’s find out how we can help you and your team increase your productivity and efficiency. Send us a message and let’s work together!

Get in touch with us!

Do you work in education and want to take your work to the next level? Then try Linchpin now – the secure and reliable tool for effective collaboration and collaborative knowledge management. Schedule a free demo with us today and let’s find out how we can help you and your team increase your productivity and efficiency. Send us a message and let’s work together!

Get in touch with us!

Do you work in education and want to take your work to the next level? Then try Linchpin now – the secure and reliable tool for effective collaboration and collaborative knowledge management. Schedule a free demo with us today and let’s find out how we can help you and your team increase your productivity and efficiency. Send us a message and let’s work together!

Linchpin is already in use here

University Hospital Erlangen

A modern employee portal that brings together more than 8000 employees from different organizational units of the University Hospital Erlangen in one place.

Learn more >

University of Vienna

A new social intranet for more than 10,000 employees, which connects them with each other, ensures greater stability and adaptability to changes and creates new communication structures within the company.

Learn more >

Linchpin is already in use here

University Hospital Erlangen

A modern employee portal that brings together more than 8000 employees from different organizational units of the University Hospital Erlangen in one place.

Learn more >

University of Vienna

A new social intranet for more than 10,000 employees, which connects them with each other, ensures greater stability and adaptability to changes and creates new communication structures within the company.

Learn more >

Linchpin is already in use here

A modern employee portal that brings together more than 8000 employees from different organizational units of the University Hospital Erlangen in one place.

Learn more >

A new social intranet for more than 10,000 employees, which connects them with each other, ensures greater stability and adaptability to changes and creates new communication structures within the company.

Learn more >

Test Linchpin free of charge

Would you like to customize Linchpin for your company and decide for yourself who has access? With just two clicks, you can create a customized Linchpin test system – it is automatically available for a full 30 days within a few minutes. At the end of the test period, your instance will be deleted.

Test Linchpin free of charge

Would you like to customize Linchpin for your company and decide for yourself who has access? With just two clicks, you can create a customized Linchpin test system – it is automatically available for a full 30 days within a few minutes. At the end of the test period, your instance will be deleted.